Thursday, December 31, 2015

Everything's Alright

"Go to sleep love," Crowley said softly as I was starting to get droopy eyed while laying on my side, staring at him like we had been for the past at least twenty-minutes just talking.
I opened my eyes and continued to look at him, fighting sleep. He grinned at me.
"Don't fight it, I give you my word I will be here when you wake," he said as he softly caressed my cheek.
I smiled and rolled onto my back, sighing.
"I can't trust that," I said at almost a whisper.
"Why? I know I'm  demon Y/N, but I have integrity,"
"One, you're a demon. Two, you're the King of Hell. Third, I don't trust anyone,"
"Fair enough,"
"You deserve better, Crowley. Someone who's not broken. Someone worthy to be called a Queen,"
He growled and grabbed my arm, staring at me with what seemed like anger in his eyes.
"Don't you ever say that again. You're more than worthy of the crown. Next time you say that I will punish you, darling."
It only took such a small action to make me flash back.
"Please don't be angry with me..." I whimpered as I began to scoot as far as I can away from him and curl into a ball.
His expression softened and worry filled his eyes as he realised what he had just done.
"I'm not angry, love. I am sorry for hurting you," he spoke softly as he gently rubbed my arm comfortingly.
I couldn't breathe and turned away from him, crying. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to him.
"It's alright, he can't hurt you now. I won't let anything harm you ever again. Everything's alright love," he softly said as he nuzzled my shoulder and held me tightly.

Apple Pie Life

  It had been a month since Dean Winchester had walked into my life and I was already falling in love with him. I was 21 at the time and going to college. I had a roommate named Sarah and we lived in an apartment off campus. She  thought Dean was really cute but never tried to pursue him. Eventually Dean had moved in our apartment with us because he had been staying in a local hotel. He told me that was how him and his brother Sam along with his dad used to live, on the road and in hotels. So I discussed it with Sarah. At first Dean would sleep on the couch, until we became intimate. Then he began sleeping in my room, which soon became ours. He got a job fairly quickly working as a mechanic close by. After about a year together he decided he wanted us to start renting our own place and I agreed.

     Our first Christmas together on our own came with many suprises.
"You're pregnant?!" Dean asked, shocked.
I nodded, at first I thought he was angry. Tears began streaming down my cheek as I stood stared at Dean holding the small box in his hand that contained a note and documented proof from the OBGYN.
"Are you sure it's mine?"
I turned and stormed out of the house.
"Y/N wait!" he called after me.
I slammed the door shut behind me. It was freezing outside and snow was beginning to fall. I hadnt brought a jacket so I stood there shivering with my arms crossed, crying. Dean wasn't far behind. I heard him open the door calmly and step out. He paused before continuing to walk towards me.
"Y/N," he said softly as he wrapped a blanket around me, turning me around, "I didn't mean it that way. I know the child is mine, I'm just... Shocked. I never thought I would ever be a father."
I pulled him by his jacket closer to me. He stumbled forward and wrapped his arms around me.
"I- I love you, Dean," I said softly with my head against his chest.
He kissed the top of my head and placed his hand gently to the back of it before resting his chin on my head.
"I love you too, baby girl,"

A few months later we bought a house to start our new family in. It was a small house, but big enough for us. One night he finally sat down and told me about how he was a hunter and how it had been the family business. I was shocked, and scared.
"So all of those things that go bump in the night? Y/N, they're real," he said, looking me in the eyes.
"So, ghosts?"
"Salt and burn the corpse, or whatever item they're tied to," he said with a smirk.
"I uh- Yeah... Actually one killed my mother when I was young,"
"I'm so sorry Dean, I-"
"Hey, it's okay. I'll tell you that story another time. But I just wanted you to know, so that if anything strange ever happens around here while I'm at work, you call me. I'll be here,"
I smiled at him and he placed his hand on my belly, where I now had a baby bump.
"I'm gonna protect both of you," he said before kissing my forehead, "till my last breath."
At that moment he got up off the couch, pulled a small black box from his jean pocket and kneeled in front of me. I began to cry, knowing what he was about to ask.
"Y/N, you make me the happiest man on this planet. Will you marry me?"

The delivery day came pretty fast. Dean and I already had everything ready to go for our little sprout once he arrived. Dean was very supportive in the delivery room.
"Just breathe, Y/N. You're doing an amazing job, he's almost here," Dean said, allowing me to squeeze his hand so tight I thought it would break any moment.
"Dean!" I screamed as I gave another push.
Suddenly I heard the baby crying. He was finally here. Dean rushed to my feet to see our little miracle. The doctor handed our little boy to Dean in towel and Dean handed him to me. Holding my son for the first time and seeing him look at me, was like every moment was only leading to that one point in time.
"He's perfect, Y/N," Dean said softly.
I smiled and handed our son over to the waiting nurse.

The first few months was amazing. Dean was such a great father, then one day his own father knocked on the door. I stayed in Mason's room, holding him close as I listened.
"Dad, where have you been?! Sam and I-" Dean started before he was cut off.
"Sam is in the hospital, Dean. I told you to watch out for your little brother," John said sternly, pushing his way through the door.
"Dad, I have my own family now," Dean said proudly.
"Excuse me?"
"Y/N," Dean called out.
I walked out holding Mason in my arms. He began to cry and reach out for Dean the moment he saw him, so I handed Mason over to him. I stood really close to Dean, nervous about the whole situation.
"What have you done?" John grimaced.
Dean handed Mason back over to me and told me to leave the room. I did as I was told, Mason crying the entire time wanting his father back.
"Dean, you know the curse our family bears. Do you not remember what happened to your mother?!" John yelled.
"Of course I remember, dad-"
Dean had enough at this point.
"I didn't want to do this son, but you leave me no choice" John muttered under his breath.
John hit Dean hard enough to knock him out cold. I clutched Mason tighter to me and locked his door. John walked over and jiggled the handle before kicking it in. He held a knife in his hand, I covered Mason's eyes and hushed him as he began crying.
"You breathe any of this to anyone, you're dead, do you hear me? No child support, nothing. Contact Dean in any way and you'll never know what hit you. My son's life means the world to me, and hes not going to be ruined by you nor that baby. Do you understand?" He said sternly.
I nodded quickly and within minutes he and Dean were gone.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Loving A Demon

That night after our usual raging act of intimacy was over, I cuddled up to him. I wanted to tell him how I felt. I softly rubbed his chest.
"Do you mind if I tell you something?" I asked.
"No, go ahead,"
"I think I'm starting to fall for you,"
"What? No. You must stop at once," he demanded.
I sat up and looked at him while clutching the covers over my breasts. He wouldn't look at me.
"But Crowley, what about all of this?"
"Lust darling, its lust. The feelings are fake. Don't give into them. You're only gonna get hurt,"
"What about you? You're not what I expected you to be. You're not a monster. You're very kind deep down. I see right through it,"
"Demons cannot love darling, I'm sorry,"
"But the way you touch me. The way you look at me. The way you speak to me, how is that not love?!"
He finally looked at me. I could see it in his eyes. I knew he loved me.
"Darling," he said softly, "I've never felt love in all my years, how could I feel it now?"
"Maybe I'm different," I said as I hopped on top of him.
He caressed my body and sighed.
"You might be right about that one. I've never met anyone like you," he said before he pulled me down for a kiss.
It was soft and passionate, something you normally wouldn't ever expect from the king of hell.
"You make me happy, and I enjoy every second of your presence. Is this love?" he asked softly staring deep into my eyes.
"yes, this is love" I said as I placed his hand over my heart.
He grabbed the back of my head again and pressed me against his lips. Kissing him was like being in heaven, if that could ever be thought possible. It was a blissful paradise and I wanted more.

Friday, February 13, 2015


     I knew what he was. I read about shapeshifters and there was no doubt that is what he was. Shapeshifters never age till they stop phasing,  Richie never really aged till he turned 50. He was incredibly warm, like a furnace.  There was no doubt I loved him unconditionally and whole-heartedly. From the very depths of my soul I loved him. But how could that be? How can anyone love someone this much? Unless, they had been imprinted on. I had a strong feeling that he imprinted on me. I mean really,  shapeshifters can imprint on young children and even babies and Rich had been by my side since I was born. Protecting was another sign. An imprinter protects his imprintee till the day he dies. Everything made sense now though i would never expose him to the world.