Saturday, September 27, 2014

When The Past Rings Into The Present

Jessika was on her way home with her parents when her phone rang. It was the guy she  spent a few days with in Australia a few years ago. His name was Seth. He had kept her safe and alive while she was there. They had been followed by a serial killer on their camping trip and couldnt get in touch with the outside world. Her best friend, Katie, whom was also his little sister was murdered by the serial killer.
"Hello?" she answered.
"hey, its me... Seth..."
"oh hey...."
At first the conversation seemed awkward. They hadn't spoken to each other since she the day she left.
"So I found out exactly who the guy was that killed Katie and tried to kill us" he said as he broke the silence.
"hold on,"
"Hey, can you please pull over?" Jessika asked her parents.
Jessika's boyfriend, Richie, was beside her in the back seat. He gave her a curious look. Her parents pulled over. Jessika and Richie got out of the car and began walking down a side road.
"So who was it?" she asked.
"Our uncle. The man was psycho. He's dead now. I found his grave yesterday. It had something really strange written on it,"
"A quote of his. Nothing related to Katie's death,"
"oh," she said.
"yeah so how have you been? I've been thinking about you and that night we spent together at that cabin? remember?" Seth asked in a low, husky tone.
Richie stopped walking and Jess did to, to face him. Seth had continued to talk but she wasn't really listening.
"yeah yeah, I remember. Hey I gotta go. Talk to you later. Bye!" she said as he closed her flip phone.
When she looked back up at Richie  he was smiling at her. He took the phone from her, put it in his pocket and grabbed her hands in his.
"What is it Richie?" she asked with deep concern.
He smiled and kneeled on one knee in front of her. Jessika's hands flew to her mouth as it fell open. He grabbed a small round object from his other pocket and held it out to her. It was a beautiful diamond engagement ring.
"Jess, Ive been wanting to ask you this since you came home alive. I don't know how I could ever live my life without you. Will you marry me?" Richie said.
By now tears were streaming down Jessika's face. She couldn't believe he had done all of this.
"yes, Richie. Yes!" she answered.
A smile swept across Richie's face. He slipped the ring on her finger and swoopped her into his arms. They walked back hand in hand and smiles across their faces.

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