Monday, August 5, 2013

Baby Come Back

It had been two years since their divorce, leaving him a single father. All alone but the music in his head, the love he had inside him, and his beautiful daughter that he loved so. It was his first time home in two years as well, he had been on tour for far too long. He picked up a photograph of him and his ex wife, Heather, in a glass frame. He began to grow sad and angry. Tears began to drip from his face. He ran his fingers over her cheeks in the picture, wishing she was there with him in that lonely house that housed nothing but himself, other than when their daughter Ava stayed with him. He never wanted the divorce, but she would not back down untill he signed the paper work.He rememberd holding her safely in his arms, where nothing could harm her. He clenched his teeth as a tear fell from his face onto the glass frame, on her face. He gritted his teeth and heaved the glass frame at the mountain stone wall. He looked up at the ceiling, wishing to God he could get her back. To have her in his safe, loving arms again. The peices of his broken heart left shatterd on the floor made him ache all over. He usually would pick it up but today he would leave it for the house keeper. He headed upstairs to his room. As he climbed the stairs he couldve sworn he heard Heather's voice. He finaly reached his room. It was like a time warp. As he slowly opend the door he thought he could still see her lying beautifully and peacefully in his bed asleep. He walked over to the bed, thinking she was still there, that this whole thing had been just a dream. He finally reached the side of the bed. He held out his hand to gently rub her cheek, it went right through her and she dissapeard into thin air. He fell over onto the bed with a depressing thud. He, Richie, was a tall man, brown hair, brown eyes, gorgeous face, loved by many fans no doubt, and a well fit body. He was in perfect shape, except for his broken heart and his depressed mind. He just layed there in a folded up position with his right arm under his pilliow and the other lying relaxed beside him. He was wide awake yet wanted a nap. He wanted that whole two year nightmare to fade away in his sleep, but it haunted him every night and every waking moment he was alive. He closed his eyes, and slowly drifted off to sleep.
  He awoke with a blanket over him.
"Darla...," he thought.
Darla was the housekeeper. She was in love with him but he was still in love with Heather. He opend his eyes to find Heather's picture lying beside him. Darla had picked up the glass and saved the picture, and brought it up to him. She knew how much his heart ached without Heather and hers ached with him for seeing him in pain, made her to be in pain herself. He slid the blanket off of him and sat up with the picture in his hand. He just sat there, looking down at it, at Heather.He finally couldn't stand to look at it anymore and sat it down on his pillow. He sighed and stood up. He was in nothing but his shorts. He walked downstairs to greet Darla. She came every morning at 7am and left at 10pm every evening. She was in the kitchen cooking. He could smell the aroma of bacon in the air as he decended further down the stairs. He was still very tired, but he would go for a nice run after breakfast if he needed to but for now he would make himself a nice cup of coffee, black, just how he loved it. He finally reached the bottom of the stairs. Darla was young, beautiful, brown hair and eyes, tall, and today she was wearing a bright red t-shirt and jeans. For a minute Richie completely forgot about Heather and focused on the beutiful woman that loved him and was standing in his kitchen, laboring over a hot stove. She had no idea he was in the room. It was the first time he had seen her in two years. She looked the same but different to him, much more beautiful than he had remembered. He slowly and quietly walked up behind her. He sat one hand on her side, her "love handle", and whispered into her ear.
"Darla, my darling, how are you?"
She smiled and bit her lip. She could feel his warm breath on her neck. She opend her eyes and turned around, not caring about the food on the stove. He took his other hand and placed it on the back of her neck as they kissed each other on the cheek as a way of saying hello and I missed you. She felt safe with his hand on the back of her neck. She felt safe with him period. They both stopped and looked at each other. Richie still had his hand on the back of her head.
"Richie," she said as she put her hand on his, "You've been gone for to long,"
He hugged her, keeping his hand on the back of her head. She dug her face into his warm, bare shoulder. She put one hand on the base of his neck and one on his bare chest, loving his chest hair that was groomed perfectly, suprisingly to her liking.
"I missed you," she admitted.
"I missed you too," he said as he kissed the top of her head.
Those words made her heart ache. Just dont say Heather's name, she thought to herself, and he will be okay. She loved his lips being pressed aginst her. She loved HIM and would give anything and everything for him to love her back. She knew Heather would be back in a few days to drop off Ava, and it would be his first time seeing the both of them since the divorce. He had talked to Ava on the phone but that was all, she always sent photos of herself to him so it would be as if she was there and he wouldnt miss her as much, but he did. Ava meant the world to him. He hadnt had much contact with home besides Ava and his original home in New Jersey where is mother lived. He was always a momma's boy and was proud of it. His father, Adam Sambora, had died of cancer not long before the divorce was final with Heather. He had always had a great relationship with his Adam, and he missed him dearly. Darla knew everything about Richie and loved every fact and detail. He was very open to her, and she loved that. She loved a man who didnt hide his feelings, and that man happend to be Richie Sambora. She was always afraid to call him Richard, his original name that was on his birth certificate. She knew his full name, Richard Stephen Sambora, and she loved it, especially the last name that she so badly wished was hers as well. Richie still kept his wedding ring from his marriage with Heather, but he kept it on his littlest finger, beside the ring finger.
 The stove's timer beeped and made her jump. She had forgotten about the food! Richie let her go as she released him so she could turn the stove off before the food burned.
"Here, let me do it," he offered as he reached for the door handle on the stove.
They both reached for it at the same time, he found his hand on top of hers.
"Please," he said calmly.
She released the stove.
"That's it," he whispered as he kept his hand on hers.
He slid his fingers between hers. He wanted to kiss her, he HAD to kiss her. With his other hand he slid some of her hair away from her beautiful neck, and kissed it.
"Go sit on the couch, I will be in there in a moment..." he said softly.
She knew where this was going, at least she thought she knew, and she loved it. So, she did as he said. She began to walk toward the living room, he never wanted to release her hand. She walked but only could go so far. He still wouldnt release it, he couldn't. He knew she had turned the stove off so the only thing the food could do was get cold. He let go of her hand, trying to make her think he was going to get the food. As soon as she turned to walk he was right behind her, slowly creeping up, she knew nothing about it. She stopped in front of the couch, about to sit down when he ran his hand down her "love handle" and grabbed her hand. She turned around with a smile. He released her hand and sat it back on her love handle as he pulled her closer to him. She sat one hand on his chest, the other at the base of his neck, like she had done erlier. He put the other hand on the back of her head once again and kissed her lips. Finally he had kissed her, they both loved the feeling of the other. He pulled her closer, up aginst him, as they continued to kiss. She felt so weak in the legs, she thought she was going to fall and ruin it. The weakness finally over came her and her legs gave out. They fell onto the couch, Richie still had a hold of her. She smiled a little as they kissed. She opend her eyes, she knew she shouldnt but she had to. She saw how caught up in the moment, in the kiss, he was. Well, so was she, but, she never thought this day would come. For him to kiss her, love her, hold her. Now, all she wanted was for this to never end. Richie was really enjoying this, he had missed her, loved her before but, Heather had always been his only love. Why did he have to fall in love with the house keeper?! It sounded so stupid but everytime he even thought of her name his heart would beat at a faster pase. They stopped all of a sudden to catch their breath. They were both breathing heavily.
"Darla, I'm so sorry, I-" he started.
"shh," she said as she ran her fingers through his shaggy, beautiful, long brown hair.
God it had been far to long since he had seen her, and vise versa. She could feel his whole body lying against hers, she loved just the thought of it. The thought of him.
"I'm sorry Darla, please, forgive me?"
"for what?"
"for all of this," he said as he looked down and gestured to the way he was lying, the way he had kissed her.
"no apologies"
He smiled. She gave him a quick but soft kiss on the lips. He loved her soft and juicy lips. The way they had kissed him, the way that they were a part of her. By now they had finally calmed down their breathing. Richie couldn't stand how dumb he had been to move on her like that, but he didnt know that she had wanted it plus more, he just got carried away. Not as much as he wanted to but it was all the same to him, well, almost. The kiss just made him want her more. Their lips parted. He pushed them back together.

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