Monday, August 5, 2013

Welcome To Wonderland

I was going to my friend's house for Halloween. It was gonna be a huge party with only our friends. It was already getting dark and foggy. I decided to take a cemetary as a short cut. All of a sudden I heard someone walking. I looked back and stopped. It was a man. He had black hair, piercings, and a lot of make up on and light blue colored contacts. It was kind of scary but not really. He was really hot.
"Hi," he said as he walked towards me.
"hi...," I said shyly.
"so, what's your name?" he asked as he stood just inches in front of me.
"Hi Victoria, I'm Jayy,"
I started to get scared because of his behavior so I ran. He came after me and touched me. Instantly it was like I was in another world. One of just me and him. There was no reality. I turned around to face him and he pulled me to him.
"What are you?" I asked when I noticed his eyes were red.
"something of your wildest imagination. No these are not contacts."
Just then it started to snow. It was cold yes, but I was not.
"Are you scared?" he asked softly as he leaned in like he was going to kiss me.
"no," I said as he kissed me.
His lip ring was so cold on my lip and gave me cold chills through my body. Our lips parted and I looked him in the eyes. They were so red. He grinned a kind of menacing grin. I thought it was sexy.
"Listen to this," he said as he touched me gently on my temples and closed his eyes for a second.
It was like we had music playing but we didn't. It was amazing. He opened his eyes.
"can you hear it?," he asked.
He took his hands off of my temples.
"is it still playing?" he asked.
"okay good," he said as he took my hand.
He led me to a lake.
"We will get hypothermia if we go in there," I said.
"No we won't," he said as we walked into the lake hand in hand.
Once we were deep in there he told me to hold my breath. I did and we went under together. We looked at each other under water. His makeup washed off slowly. He pulled me to him and we kissed under the water. The bubbles from our mouths floated to the top, brushing our faces as they went up. When our lips parted he looked up toward the surface and we went up to the top. All his make up was gone.
"Is it crazy that we just met, literally, and I'm in love with you?" I asked.
He just grinned. I moved up aginst him.
"I have something to show you," he said as he led me out of the water.
We walked toward the woods. I saw a pumpkin beside a tree.
"Look on the other side of the tree," He said.
I went around the tree. It was him. I dropped to my knees into the snow. I cried when I saw the blood. I looked back at what I now knew was his spirit.
"What happened?!" I asked.
"with me, bullies don't go down without a fight. They had a knife...  I was not armed with any weapon...,"
"So they stabbed you?"
"yes and ran, I'm still alive, try to wake me up,"
I turned toward his body and started gently tapping his face with my hands.
"Jayy, wake up. Jayy...," I said.
Finally he came to.
"See, I told you I am still alive," he said.
I hugged him, a little to tight...
"ah," he winced.
"oh yeah, sorry, what should I do? I can't carry you,"
"Stay with me till I am gone... please," he said weakly.
"No Jay, there is no such thing as you being 'gone' you have to stay with me. I am in love with you now. I need you, more than you could know,"
"I know you need me, but I don't think the doctors would be able to save me now..."
I grabbed his face in my palm and I kissed him.
When I parted them I said, "I love you Jayy, don't leave me here. You're the only man who has ever botherd to care for me and I know you do. I can just tell."
"Yes I do baby, I have fallen in love with you too."
I grabbed his hand, the one that he wasn't holding his wound with, and held it.
"Then let me save you," I said as I looked him straight into his eyes.
I just noticed that his eyes were a yellowish brown color.
"Okay....," he whispered.
I began screaming for help.
"Help! We need an ambulance! Someone has been stabbed! Help!"
Finally a person ran to us.
"An ambulance is on the way," They said and ran back to their house.

  When the ambulance got there I noticed all the snow was gone and I wasn't soaking wet anymore. They let me ride to the hospital with him, holding his hand. They wouldn't let me stay in the room with him once we got there of course, but once they were done with him they let me go in. I walked to the bed and touched his hand. His eyes opened and looked at me.
"am I the only one who notices your eyes?," I asked.
"yes, you're the only one who can see them,"
I smiled and said, "I love you."
"I love you too," He said.


  1. was inspired by this song
