Monday, August 5, 2013

Shooting Star

A friend once told me that dreams do come true, you just have to wish hard enough. So thats exactly what I did. As I watched the big bright shooting star streak across the sky I made my wish.
"I wish I could be my age, living in New Jersey in 1968...," I whisperd into the darkness.
I bit my lip and opend my eyes. I wasnt where I was when I closed them. I was in some alley, not on my balcony at my house. I cautiously looked around. I knew that the dream had come true. I knew that I was actually from the present and that I couldnt tell anyone about what happend but start a new life. I looked up at the sky one more time.
"thank you," I whisperd.
The stars seemed to glisten in reply. I smiled, looked away, and began to walk out of the alley. I looked down at myself. I had on clothes from that era. It was so cool. I heard a boy talking to his mother.
"but ma, I have to go to guitar practice tomorrow, its not fair,"
Who ever the son was already had a little bit of a deep voice, like a teenager.
"Richard Stephen Sambora, I said you were grounded. End of story,"
I froze as soon as I heard that name. I had been sent to the exact place I wanted to be as well. I finally turned around. They were walking in my direction. I hurried and jumped back into the darkness of the alley to hide. I had to talk to him, but not while anyone, or at least his parents, were around. I watched him walk past. It felt like he was walking in slow motion as if to let me make a mental picture of him for future reference. Once they passed I began to follow them. I made sure that they had no clue I was following them. I followed them all the way to their house. There I watched from a nearby bush. It was a single story house, normal and white.Once they enterd their house "Richard" stormed off into his room.
"what ever,its not fair," he said as he slamed the door to his room.
He was wearing blue-jeans and a white t-shirt with a picture of John Lennon. I was in front of his bed room window. I watched him as he looked through a box of a bunch of old records and 8 track tapes. He picked out an Eric Clapton record. One of his heros was Eric. I watched him carefully move the needle away so he could put the record on. He sat the record into place and gently moved the needle to the correct place he wanted it. He had such a gentle touch. I smiled wishing he knew I was there but wishing he didnt at the same time. He turned the player on and the sounds of Eric Clapton filled his room. I could fainly hear it from outside. He smiled in relief as the music seemed to relax him. I watched him as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and took it off. I could plainly see the cross necklace he had around his neck.I bit my lip. He was amazingly built for fifteen. He threw the shirt at the wall. It hit it and fell to the ground. He then jumped onto his bed and picked up a magizine that was lying on his pillow. He began to read it. I couldnt help myself, I had to do something. I grabbed a tiny pebbel and tossed it at the window. I did it about 4 more times before he completely looked up and saw me do it again. He didnt see me but he saw the pebbel. He sat the magizine down and walked over to the window. He unlocked it and opend it. He stuck his head out and looked around. I was frozen. He was amazing.
"Who's there?," he asked.
I didnt do or say anything.
"hello?," he asked again.
I stepped from behind the bush. He smiled.
"whats the name?," he asked.
"I like it,"
I smiled and blushed. He giggled.
"so, you wanna come in?," he asked as he jestured to the inside of the house.
"sure," I said as I slowly walked forwards.
He smiled. I smiled back. The house was still a little ways off the ground for me to get in through the window.
"here," he said as he offered me a hand to pull me in.
I grabbed halfway up his arm, making sure I had a hold of him. He tried to pull me up. He had to use the other arm as well because I almost slipped. He finnally musterd up enough strength to pull me in. I barely had to do anything. So there I was, alone with him in his room. Alone with him...
"now I can see ya's," he said.
I just gave him a grin and looked down to the floor. I was hypnotized by his amazing figure. I noticed he was bare-footed. I loved his feet, I didnt know how feet could look so amazing but they did.
"So," He said as he walked past me and sat on his bed,"What kind of music do you like?"
I looked at him.
"Rock and blues. looks like you like the same eh?"
"heck yeah,"
I smiled. He patted the bed beside of him. Wanting me to sit down. I walked over to the bed and sat down beside of him.
"so, you got a boyfriend?" he asked.
"no. You got a girlfriend?""
"nah, not many girls talk to me."
"why not? youre very nice and handsome"
He smiled and looked up at the ceiling. We heard a knock on the door. It scared both of us.
"Richard, open this door, its your father,"
We both stood up.
"Go, hide in the closet, theres no time," he whispered as he ran to the closet door and opend it.
I ran and stood in the closet.
"what ever happens, dont make a sound," he whisperd.
He closed the door and turned the record player off. He opend the door. I could still see him through the cracks between the door and the wall. He just stuck his head out.
"your ma told me about what happend at school today,"
"pa, im sorry. School is hard for me,"
"I understand that but it was hard for me too and I never failed anything."
"pa it was just a stupid test, I can still fix it,"
"no son, you dont understand. Your ma wants me to give you a lashing for future references,"
"no, pa please..,"
"son, I gotta do it"
Richard tried to close the door in his father's face but his father caught it and swung it open. Richard was already near his bed. His father had a belt in his hand. It looked made of leather.
"Bend over son, and put your hands on the bed so I wont hit your hands,"
I bit my lip. He did as his father said.
"Im sorry son,"
Richard looked up toward the head of his bed. His father drew back his belt and swung. Richard's skin made a loud popping noise everytime the belt struck. He tilted his head down. His father hit him about 10 times, making Richard fall to the bed with every hit. I had to hold my mouth to keep from screaming. His father didnt just hit him waist down but upon his bare back. Richard began to yelp near the end of it. He sucked in air between every hit. His father finally stopped.
"Now, study and do not fail another test or it will be worse," His father said as he went out the door, leaving the door open. Richard kept trying to stand. He was to weak. I was afraid to come out just yet. He struggled again to get up. I couldnt stand it. I opend the door of the closet, closed and locked the door to his room and walked over to him.I put my arm around his torso and helped him upon the bed. He went for the pillow. I laid down beside him to try and comfort him. He rolled over onto his side and looked at me. I leand over and kissed him. He rolled over onto his back.I hadnt ever kissed someone before. I slowly lifted my lips from his. We looked each other in the eyes. I bit my bottom lip. He smiled.
"Are you okay?" I asked as laid my hand on his bare chest.
"yeah, Its happend before, I just cant get 100% used to the pain," He said as he put his hands behind his head to give his head a little more support.
I laid my head on his chest and sortve hugged him. He looked down at me and laid one arm around me. I made sure not to make him move because of his back.
"what about your folks? they whip you?" He asked.
"I uh, dont have any,"
"Where do you live?"
"no where,"
"did you runaway?"
"not really, its complicated,"
He tilted my face up to look at him.
"If you dont have anywhere to stay, you can always stay here, okay? especially when the cold sets in here in a week or two when fall starts."
" 'kay," I whisperd.
He kissed me. It was about a 3 second kiss. When it was over and our lips parted, he looked me in the eyes. He put his hand to my cheek.
"Anywhere I am its safe to call home..." he softly said as he closed his hand and rubbed his fingers across my cheeks.
I smiled. He smiled back. I laid my head back onto his chest and slowly drifted off to sleep. I was tired. After he knew I had fallen asleep he slipped away and turned the lights off and pulled the cover over me. He laid back down beside me. He let me have half of his pillow until I woke up during the middle of the night. He was already asleep by then. Lying on his back, coverd up to right below his chest, and his face toward me. He mustve fell asleep looking at me. I scooted close to him and wraped one arm around him and started to drift off to sleep again. That's when it hit me. If Im here now, how will he ever meet Heather and have his daughter Ava. What if I could destroy the future for him just by being with him now. I looked back up to his face. I gave him one last kiss and slipped out from under the cover and out of the bed without waking him. He had paper and pencil sitting near his record player. I thought it was pretty convienient. I walked over to it and wrote him a note.

 Dear Richard,
Im sorry but me being with you could put danger you into danger. I never thought of it before and it came into my mind in the middle of the night when I awoke and laid my head back onto your chest. You are the most amazing guy Ive ever met but I cant stand the thought of putting you into danger. Before I left I kissed you one last time. It didnt awake you. I was glad you didnt wake up because I didnt think I could explain it to your face. When we first kissed it was my first kiss I had ever had. I dont want you to think I didnt want you because I did. I wanted to stay and call where you were home forever. You were home to me. We only knew each other for one night. I watched your father give you 10-11 lashes with a leather belt from your closet. Ill never forget you. I know when you find this note I wont be a dream to you anymore, that it will seem real. I hope that it seems as a dream to you forever but if you ever do find this note you will know I was real. That night was real. It was too real but a dream at the same time. Please, dont try to find me as you will not succeed. Ill make sure. I cant harm you Richard. I couldnt live with myself if I did. Thats why I leave you with the "dream" and this letter which I hid, hoping it would never be found. I love you. I will always love you.
                                                                          Love, Jessika

I hid the note as best as I could. Walked over to the window, took one last look at him, and jumped to the ground. I nailed the jump. I walked until I could walk no more. I stopped at small stream. I found a place to lie down and watched the stars up above, hoping I would see another shooting star to take me back home in 2012, 47 years later.
 I dont recall seeing another shooting star that night. I stayed awake as long as I could. When I awoke there was Richard lying beside me with one arm around me and covers over both of us. He knew it wasnt a dream and came looking for me. It surprised me that he had found me. I had probably walked 2-3 miles away or a little more. Eventhough I was awake I didnt open my eyes. I wonderd why the ground wasnt as hard or cold anymore. I gave up and opend my eyes. I wasnt even outside! I was lying in a warm bed. I looked around as best as I could without disturbing Richard. I found a calender. It said the year 2012. But how? If I never seen another shooting star that night then, was I even 13 years old? Was he 13? Did he figure everything out and wished for us to be with each other in the future? But how would he know what year? A billion questions popped in my head. They only way I would figure it out was to roll over and look at him. I rolled over. He wasnt 13. He looked like he did before I had ever wished anything. But how was we together? I jerked out of bed and ran to find a mirror.
"Jess, you alright?" He called from the bed.
I didnt answer. I finally found the bathroom and looked into the mirror. There was barely even a reflection. I just stood there, starring into the mirror. I heard him walk in there to me but I didnt see him or turn around. I felt him put his body to mine. He ran his hands down my arm as he kissed my neck. I looked into the mirror. He had no reflection what so ever. I felt his toungue touch my skin. I figured it out. He was in-human. And I might be as well, or almost there...
 "No!" I yelped as I jumped.
Richard jumped hurriedly grabbed my mouth.
"Ssshhhhh, Jess it was just a dream,"
I was pouring sweat. I put my hand on the top of his and closed my eyes.
"sshhh," he gently said.
I calmed down and looked back at him. He was 13, still shirtless, and very gorgeous. I was still in his room, on his bed in 1965. I had never awoke and left or wrote the note. I had stayed asleep all night long.
"Im sorry, that was my fault Jess, I was afraid you would get cold so I coverd us up. Was it that bad?" he said.
"kinda, man, that was weird,"
"im sorry," he said again.
"Im the one that should be sorry. you ok?"
"yeah, it just startled me, that's all." he said as he settled down himself.
I gave him a smerk and kissed him. The kiss was 3 seconds long yet again.
"Hows your back?" I asked.
He let out a chuckle.
"Jess, It'll take more than that to bring me down, that, that was nothin,"
"sit up,"
"sit up, please,"
"no Jess, I dont want you to see it,"
I jerked him up off of his back and got him to sit up and hang his legs off the side of the bed.I was sitting behind him in a crissed-crossed position. I had never seen anything like it. His whole back was bruised with colors of blue,purple,and black. I was speechless.
"Oh my god, Rich, its..."
"bad, I know,"
I gently laid my hand upon his back. He sucked in air, as in it either hurt or surprised him or something.
"does that hurt?" I asked.
"nah, your hands are a little chilly and it surprised me."
"oh, sorry,"
He let out a chuckle.
"Actually it should help, its a bruise," he said.
"do you guys have anything I could put on it?" I asked as I ran my hand down from his shoulders down his arms and tried to find his hand.
"Id have to go get it though,"
"but do you have anything," I said as I finally found his hands.
"yeah, we have 2-3 ice packs in the freezer, why?"
"go get them,"
"okay, but youre going to have to turn loose of me,"
"right...," I said as I let go of him.
He stood up and picked up his shirt. He slid it gently over his body as he walked towards the door.
"Also get a bath towel,"
He looked back at me for a split second, wondering why the heck he, or we, would need a towel. He shook his head, unlocked the door and opend it. I stayed there on the bed while he went to get the stuff. In a minute or so he came back with 3 gel ice packs and 2 bath towels. He closed and locked the door behind him when he came in.
"Okay," I said as I got off the bed.
"Give me the towels," I said as I streched my arm out to get them.
He handed me the towels and I went to work. I threw the covers to the floor and placed the two towels on the bed, overlapping each other.
"Ice packs," I said as I streched my hand out again.
He handed me the ice packs. I laid them on the bed in a perfect rectangle to fit his back. I walked to the foot of the bed to make sure I had did it correctly. I squared it up with my hands.
"okay, now, Richard, lie down square on the ice packs," I said.
Richard came behind me and wrapped his arms around me with his hands on my stomach. He pressed his body aginst mine and kissed my neck. I put my hands on his. He pulled me closer if that was even possible.
"call me Richie, please," he whisperd into my ear.
I sqeezed my eyes as tight as I could get them and bit my bottom lip. I tried not to smile. That is when he first said it.
"I love you," He said as he kissed my neck more, he would only kiss it once at a time and let go after 3 seconds.
I was frozen by those 3 words. I wanted to say it back. I was just too frozen.
"I...," said.
"I love you too...,"
I could tell he was smiling.
"if you lay down the ice will help your back, if you dont, they will thaw out and we'll have to put them back in the freezer," I said as I tried to get him to lay down.
He turned me around. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled up. He took it off. I smiled. We kissed. He put his arms around me. He was so gentle yet had a strong embrace. He pulled me closer. I jumped and grabbed a hold of him with my legs. I had did it, forgeting he was still a little weak and we fell on the bed. He still a hold of me. We laughed. I was on the ice instead of him.
"okay, since when am I supposed to be a popsicle?" I asked.
He laughed.
"Im serious," I said with a giggle.
He put one hand on the side my stomach and kissed me. I was smiling to much and he stopped.
"what?" he asked.
"nothing," I said without a smile.
He kissed me again and I smiled.
"You gotta stop smiling and pucker," he said as our lips parted again.
"Im sorry," I said with a giggle as I bit my bottom lip.
He smiled.
"are you cold yet?" he asked.
"oh so this was part of the plan huh?" I said with another giggle.
"what plan? I dunno what yas talkin about..."
"oh yeah, like it wasnt some smooth plan of yours to get me here,"
"you dont like being here? in this, situation I guess?"
"No I love it, I love you, its just that im lying on ice when its supposed to be you..."
He smiled. I smiled back.
"oh and, I love your accent," I said.
"my accent? everyone talks this way up here. well, almost everyone. Im surprised you can actually know what im saying the way we slur everything together,"
"do you not like your accent?"
"I can talk normal, which shows you that not really," he said in a normal accent.
"why not?"
"because if its really thick, not everyone can understand yas, see? I just did it. I crack here and there,"
"I like it, go back to it,"
I smiled and kissed him.
"um, I uh, am starting to really feel the ice now..." I said as I made our lips part again.
"okay," he said with a slight giggle.
He backed off of me and helped me up. I just stood there shivering.
"Im sorry," He said as he got a blanket and wrapped it around me.
He wrapped his arms around me along with the blanket.
"Is that better?" he whisperd into my ear.
"m'kay," he whisperd.
We just stood there, enjoying the warmth of each other.
"Im going to lay down on the ice now, okay? My back is really starting to ache now," he said as he let go of me and kissed my cheek.
He laid down on the ice. I slowly walked over to the bed and laid down beside of him. He breathed heavily because the ice was so cold and his back was hurting really badly. I untucked one of my arms out of the blanket and laid my hand on his chest. He looked at me. He slowly settled down by my touch.
"I love you," I said as I slid my hand up to his cheek.
"I love you too.."
I kissed him a 3 second kiss. I looked him in the eyes. We didnt say anything just looked and watched. I was afraid to put any body pressure onto him. I pushed that fear to the back of my mind and climbed onto him, like he was a horse. We both laughed. He sat his hands on my thighs. I smiled and kissed him. We would kiss, part our lips a little ways, take a breath, and kiss again. I wondered if the ice had numbed his back yet. I made our lips part and put my forehead to his.
"is your back numb yet?" I asked as I sat kinda straight and sat my hands on his chest to help hold me up.
"I think its getting there,"
"you wont be in pain"
All of a sudden we heard someone yell. A man.
"okay, whos been in the ice box? you didnt close the door all the way, what are you trying to do, cool the house and warm everything in there up?" his dad yelled from the kitchen.
Our adrenline kicked in.
"Son," his dad called out.
We heard footsteps coming closer.
"Listen, you gotta hide," Richard whispered.
"but what about you? hes not gonna do it again is he?" I whispered.
"I dunno, but youve gotta hide," he whisperd.
We heard a bang on the door. We both jumped out of the bed. I ran and hid in the closet again and he went to the door. He just stuck his head out yet again.
"what?!" he asked his dad with that kinda mad teenager tone to his voice.
"have you been in the ice box again?"
"I dont think so,"
"dont lie to me son,"
"all youre going to do is beat me again, so what, no matter what I say, youre still gonna hit me,"
"shut your mouth son before- "
"before what old man? Im getting to be a man now,"
"that means you can take a beating," His pa said as he tried to push his way in the door.
Richard didnt feel like fighting so he just took the punishment. This time his pa had a switch. Might as well be a whip, I thought to myself.
"put your-" his pa said before he was interupted by Richard.
"hands on the bed, I know," Richard said as he made his way to the bed.
"dont you sas me,"
"you know-," Richard turned around to say before his pa swung and hit him right in the face with his fist.
Richard fell, stunned.
"Stand up boy, you think your a man, stand up and take it like a man," He said as he hit Richard right across the chest with the switch.
He had swung so hard it cut Richard's skin.
"get up!," he yelled as he swung and hit him again.
Richard managed to get a grip and stood up. His pa hit him with his fist again, knocking him back down. Richard rolled over onto his knees and held his jaw. His pa walked to the side of Richard and kicked him square in the ribs with steel toe boots. Richard fell to the ground. He tried to get up but slipped back down.
"Get up, I took worse than that before," his pa yelled as he hit Richard across his already bruised back with the switch, cutting him yet again.
Then his pa picked his head up by his hair and kneed him in the face, busting his nose. I wanted to scream, run, make him stop, do something! But I couldnt. He was helpless. I absolutely hated his pa. I wished someone would give him a taste of his own medicine. Richard finally pretty much got to his feet but he was still kinda bent over and his pa pushed him and he went forward, straight into the door. He sat in front of the door. Ill never forget his face. He had blood pouring from his nose and you could tell he couldnt take much more. Tears began to stream down my face. I had to keep quiet and still. Then his pa just walked over to him and hit Richard with the switch as many times as he could. Richard screaming with every hit. Richard even screamed like a man. I wondered where his ma was. Eventhough his pa always wanted Rich to put his hands on the bed so he wouldnt hit them, he delibretly hit them. Hitting Richard square in the palms, cutting them just the same. His pa quit all of a sudden. Richard looked terrible, miserable. And then, his pa looked him square in the eyes and knocked him out, knocking him clean over, away from the door. His pa just opend the door, and left, leaving him there unconcious. His pa closed the door on his way out. I ran out of the closet, locked the door, and tried to bring back Richard. I put my hand to his check and said his name repeatedly. I was crying and holding his head up in my other hand.
"Richard, Richard? C'mon babe... I love you... please come back..." I said as I rubbed his check with my thumb.
I gave up and just kissed him, a long kiss. He kissed me back, I had brought him back! I grinned as I kissed him. He put his hands to my cheeks. His blood came off on me but I didnt care at all. All I cared about was that he was okay. I never wanted to stop kissing him but I knew we would have to eventually and we did.
"how long was I out?" he asked.
"too long, you scared me,"
He smiled and pulled me back to his lips, we kissed a long kiss again. Then our lips parted once again.
"did I hear you call me babe?" He asked.
"I dunno, did you?"
"I think I did, babe,"
We both smiled.
"c'mon, lets get you cleaned up..." I said.
"I uh, help?"
I smiled, stood up, and helped him gently sit up. Then I gently wraped my arms around him under his arms, gently and carefully "picked him up", and helped him walk over to the bed where I helped him ease on the side to sit down. I got one of the towels behind him and  ripped it. I wrapped his hands with the peices I ripped off of it. Then with the remaining peice of it I began cleaning his face up. Before I would touch his face I would dab the towel on my tounge to get it a tad bit moist. He kept his eyes closed. He had a knot on his forehead as well. Then I noticed something I hadnt before, his lip was busted. I gently touched it with the towel, I knew it would hurt him though. He jerked his head back and sucked in a lot of air.
"sorry..." I softly said.
"no no. Its okay," he said as he opend his eyes.
He watched me. I would occasionally look him in the eyes. Then finally I was done with his face. I gently touched his shoulder and told him to lay back onto the remaining  towel. I gave him a short kiss and handed him an ice pack to hold on his forehead. It was almost thawed out now but it was better than nothing. I began cleaning on the long cuts on his chest. They all sortve hurt him I guess. I wondered what was going on in his mind. Guess he wondered the same about me. I began to talk.
"am I hurting you?" I asked.
"no more than I already am,"
"why does he do this?"
"because hes not even my pa and he hates me"
"who is he?"
"my uncle, he makes me call him pa since my real pa is off on a buisness trip in Europe for a couple years"
"what would your real pa do if he found out?"
"probably kill him. I hope anyway,"
"so who's brother is he?"
"my ma's, she doesnt like him all that much either but he had no where else to stay because he spent all his money on drugs and alcohol so she took him in since he was her brother,"
"why doesnt she ever step in when he beats you?"
"she did once, wasnt pretty"
"what'd he do?"
"back handed her on accident"
"what happend then?"
"he blamed it on me"
"and then?"
"she forgave him since he was drunk or high, she forgives him for everything. I think she's just scared to call the pigs cause of the people he hangs with when he claims hes "going to work" but we never fall for that one"
"you know hes selling that crap and buying it as well,"
"oh yeah, we know. We've seen him, but we keep it between the two of us,"
I finally started on his stomach. Just seeing his stomach move a half inch everytime he breathed made me happy. I smiled. I loved him. I really did. His belly button stood for him being born and I loved it like crazy. His ribs were brusied now.
"I wouldve thought you would have a headache by now," I said.
"I do, and it hurts like somebody hit me hit the face with their knee... oh wait, thats what happend! Not to mention when he knocked me out,"
"Sorry baby..."
Finally I was done with the front half of his torso. I moved my hand up his body from his belly button, grabbed an ice pack, and put it on his left side of his rib cage. I just held it there. I slid up and gave him a long kiss. He let go of the ice pack on his head and put his hand on my side. I smiled and stopped.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too,"

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